Background Check Software

Background Check

What is Background Check Software?

Allows organizations to efficiently screen and monitor incoming candidates and employees for background information using artificial intelligence. This process allows employers to verify any information given to them by anyone seeking employment, and may include validation of past employment history, criminal records, credit checks and more.

Common Features

  • Employment Verification
  • Criminal Record Check
  • Credit Risk Management
  • Education Verification
  • Identity Verification
  • Driving Record Background Check
  • Social Media Background Check
  • Dashboards Reporting
  • ATS Integration

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Top Background Check Software 2025

Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.



Composite Score
8.1 /10
CX Score
7.9 /10

Checkr is background check software that powers people infrastructure for the future of work. With artificial intelligence and machine learning, the platform and solutions make background checks faster, easier, and more compliant. Using Checkr’s advanced screening technology, companies can better understand the dynamics of the changing workforce, bring transparency and fairness to their hiring, and ultimately build a better future for workers.


  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Trustworthy
  • Caring
Composite Score
8.0 /10
CX Score
8.5 /10

Protect Your Organization Although most businesses have high standards, they also are challenged by limited resources. In addition, they frequently need to move quickly when the time comes to make a hire. Yet each applicant and employee adds business and security risk. Fortunately, performing background checks on applicants and employees is an effective way to discover potential issues that could affect your business.


  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity

Complete Backcheck

Composite Score
7.3 /10
CX Score
7.2 /10

The Complete Backcheck™ has long been a benchmark for pre-employment screening in Canada. In some industries, The Complete Backcheck reveals red flags on 60% of candidates. Tailored to your needs, The Complete Backcheck is your one-stop shop for the optimal background screening program.


  • Trustworthy
  • Efficient Service
  • Effective Service
  • Saves Time


  • Commodity Features

Products below are ineligible for awards due to insufficient recent reviews



Composite Score
8.2 /10
CX Score
8.3 /10

GoodHire delivers fast, accurate, and reliable background check results—while also offering simple background check workflow in the industry, making it easy to order and for your candidates to complete. The advanced technology platform, built-in compliance tools, and automated workflows speed and simplify background checks for organizations of all sizes. Offering a full suite of employment screening services and customizable packages, GoodHire is easily configurable to fit seamlessly with how you want to work.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
Orange Tree Employment Screening

Orange Tree

Composite Score
7.7 /10
CX Score
7.8 /10

For more than 30 years, Orange Tree has provided technology-enabled background screening, drug testing, and occupational health services that are fast, easy to use, and can be tailored to the unique needs of each employer. Orange Tree streamlines hiring decisions, integrates with HCM and ATS platforms, and empowers employers in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Retail, Staffing, and other major industries to quickly fill open positions while delivering an engaging candidate experience. Learn more at


  • Helps Innovate
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity


Composite Score
6.6 /10
CX Score
7.0 /10

Paycom helps businesses streamline their employment processes from recruiting to retirement and everything in between. Our Talent Acquisition, Time and Labor Management, Payroll, Talent Management and HR Management systems operate from a single database, eliminating redundant data entry and the integration of multiple systems.


  • Unique Features
  • Security Protects
  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
Global HR Research

Global HR Research

Insufficient Data
This product does not have enough reviews to meet the minimum criteria to display results. Please check back shortly or write a review.

Global HR Research is a provider of pre-hire intelligence and employee onboarding solutions. Global HR Research combines advanced screening technology, data and business analytics to deliver better background screening programs to thousands of customers and their candidates.

Good Egg

Good Egg

Insufficient Data
This product does not have enough reviews to meet the minimum criteria to display results. Please check back shortly or write a review.

Good Egg is background check software that offers comprehensive screening solutions to address the hiring and retention challenges of today's employer. Good Egg combines the human touch with lightning fast technology that not only looks at a person's past, but also their present and future behaviors.



Insufficient Data
This product does not have enough reviews to meet the minimum criteria to display results. Please check back shortly or write a review.

Source, Select and Verify Qualified Talent. Manage all hiring activity – write job descriptions, post to job boards, interview candidates and run background checks – from one, easy-to-use platform. Industry- and role-specific interview guides will make everyone feel like a hiring expert. You’ll hire with confidence using integrated skills tests, reference checks and background verifications.

Insufficient Data
This product does not have enough reviews to meet the minimum criteria to display results. Please check back shortly or write a review.

Certn is fast, compliant, affordable criminal & other background checks for large enterprises on a global scale. Certn helps you to make the best hiring decisions with comprehensive risk-relevant data delivered at fast turnaround times.